Western Student Association

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Assembly Meetings

Did you know that all students enrolled at WMU are technically non-voting members of the Western Student Assocaition assembly? All it takes to gain voting status is to come to three consecutive meetings.

Time and Date: Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.

Location: Student Center, Ball Room A

RSO Representatives

If you wish to represent a Registered Student Organization in the Assembly next year, please fill out this Google form (even if you were in the Assembly this year!). This is important, as it will allow us to build the new E-mail List, new attendance roster, new slack list, and well, new Assembly. Additionally, please add yourself to the new Slack using the link below.

Intent to Represent: https://forms.gle/hdxq1bm7QUZWDqGn8

New Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/westernstuden-ggt8202/shared_invite/zt-1uw3ycz85-nL7CB1x56TxB5RPWdJAQSA

The Allocations Schedule has not yet been completed, but the first deliberations are in August. The Intent to Represent form MUST be completed before you and your RSO is eligible to receive Allocations funding. 

General Assembly Members

If you wish to be in the Assembly next year, please fill out this Google form (even if you were in the Assembly this year!). This is important, as it will allow us to build the new E-mail List, new Attendance roster, new slack list, and well, new Assembly. Additionally, please add yourself to the new Slack using the link below.

Intent to Represent: https://forms.gle/hdxq1bm7QUZWDqGn8

New Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/westernstuden-ggt8202/shared_invite/zt-1uw3ycz85-nL7CB1x56TxB5RPWdJAQSA

Legislative Leadership

Interested in joining the Legislative Leadership Committee? Fill out the forms below and join the WSA Slack.

Intent to Represent: https://forms.gle/hdxq1bm7QUZWDqGn8

Legislative Leadership Application Form: https://forms.gle/wjDN9iuadbXa9QkbA

New Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/westernstuden-ggt8202/shared_invite/zt-1uw3ycz85-nL7CB1x56TxB5RPWdJAQSA