Western Student Association Allocations Commission (WSAAC)
Who are we and what do we do?
The Western Student Association Allocations Commission (WSAAC) is an integral body of the Western Student Association. We strive to support campus engagement and activities by allocating a portion of the the funds collected through the Student Assessment Fee to qualified RSOs through the evauation and fulflilment of funding proposals and efficient completion the allocations process.
Folow the links on this page to learn more and check us out on social media for helpful tips and tricks, allocations updates, and more!
Allocations Commission Deliberation Dates (Spring 2025)
Complete Your RSO Funding Proposal Today!
If the proposal(s) are submitted correctly, on time, and do not violate the WSAAC Bylaws & Guidlines, the proposals will be scheduled for the upcoming Deliberation. Deliberation is a process of thoughtful considerations and discussions by the Commission on budget proposals tabled by RSOs to ensure proposed budget serve the interest of all WMU students.
Please examine the WSAAC Bylaws & Guidelines (laws governing the Allocations process) , and the WSAAC Elearning Page (process and steps to Allocations).
The Office of Student Engagement (OSE) will continue to process reimbursements on a limited basis. If RSO have not received a refund, please contact the Commission.
Please click the buttons please to view the Allocations Process, various documents, and other resources.
Learn about the governing process for allocations.
Allocations Funding Opportunities
Available funding for other organizations, departments, or colleges, and more