The Student Assessment Fee (SAF) is a self-imposed fee charged to Western Michigan University (WMU) students attending classes on the main campus in Kalamazoo, MI. Registered Student Organizations (RSO) at WMU are given the opportunity to request funding from a portion of this SAF fund for programming or operational purposes. The application, distribution, and requirements for an RSO to receive a portion of the SAF differ depending on the allocation body. RSOs can request SAF funds from four different allocation bodies, Western Student Association Allocations Commission, Graduate Financial Allocation Committee, and the Sports Club Council. The Campus Activities Board is not an allocating body but may provide funding support for collaborations with CAB. The Western Student Association may also provide funding support through collaborations.
The Student Sustainability Fee (SSF) is a self-imposed fee charged to WMU students attending classes on the main campus in Kalamazoo, MI. RSOs and individual students at WMU can apply for a portion of the SSF for projects that foster a culture of sustainability. The portion of the SSF available for sustainability initiatives and projects by RSOs and individual students is allocated through the Student Sustainability Grant Allocation Committee.
Internal Funding Request
People inside WSA need to fill out this form to request money.
Click the button on the left to fill out the Collaboration request form.
“The collaborations pool of money is intended to be applied for by RSO’s who otherwise do not qualify for allocations funding but still intend to put on events that benefit the student body. The collaborations request must be presented and approved by the Assembly before the funds can be dispersed. Please get in touch with if you have any questions.”
Click the button on the left to fill out the Collaboration request form.
The Western Student Association Allocations Commission (WSAAC) allocates a portion of the funds collected through the Student Assessment Fee (SAF) to qualified RSOs on-campus that submit funding proposals and complete the allocations process.
If your RSO is interested in applying for funding, please read the allocations page in fulll. Please note, important prerequisites exist for an RSO to become qualified to request funding through the WSAAC.
Click the button on the left to view the Allocations page.
Please contact the Allocations Commission Chair with any funding requests, questions, or concerns at
Sustainabilty Grant
The Student Sustainability Grant is available to all students who pay the sustainability fee. Any proposal that promotes a campus culture of sustainability and potentially benefits all students is eligible. Proposals must be safe, legal, adequately budgeted, meet WMU COVID health and safety guidelines, and if possible within existing University infrastructure to qualify. Selection is through a review process by student peers.
Click the button on the left to view the Sustainability page.
Please contact the Vice President of Sustainability with any questions at