Director of Sustainability — Grace Anderson
Major: Public History
Minor: Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Graduation Year: 2026
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Fun Fact: I am a very dedicated birdwatcher.
A note from Grace to the Student Body
My name is Grace Anderson, and I’m your Director of Sustainability for the 2024-25 academic year! I learned about WSA from being on a Student Advisory Board for the College of Arts and Sciences, and was inspired by the passion and drive I saw from its members.I want to help boost student interaction with local sustainability initiatives, and to dedicate a special effort to preserving our unique green spaces and wildlife on campus. Western’s student body is a thriving community of motivated, capable individuals- I look forward to working with you to keep campus safe and sustainable for past, present, and future students to enjoy! Go Broncos!
-Grace Anderson